Are you embarking on a new journey with your organisation? Have you thought about making the change together with your employees? Have you ever thought about your employees as change drivers rather than receivers of change?
We believe that the only way to make leading change truly successful is to co-create the change with those people who are living in the middle of it.
It is incredibly difficult to drive a change centrally and top-down. People keep struggling in the middle of the change curves. Sound familiar? The good news is that you don’t have to do that.
Instead, let Wavelet help you to get your team onboard, get them surfing those change curves and start creating a culture you can feel.
“The passion to change the world for the better is a more powerful force than defense to keep it the same.”
— Simon Sinek
case examples
Merger of an acquired software business to a global technology company. Helped making the change less disruptive for the organisational culture and retain key talent from the acquired business.
understand it.
Using design thinking, researched and co-created employee experience design principles, renewed employee survey and pulses, interviewing employees and managers to create a holistic understanding on how people experience the company.
Co-created a company purpose together with the employees and the company leadership. The new company purpose set the direction for renewal of the company strategy and the brand. Continued supporting with the brand refresh and culture programme.
embrace it.
Created a diversity and inclusion approach for the company, starting a global programme which ran for more than 5 years across the business, reaching many of the original goals and bringing people together to make the change.
transform it.
Supported a global manufacturing company in the first years of its digital transformation, from company culture to people practices, being part of the digital leadership team.
do it.
Created a global virtual service organisation for HR, redesigning ways of working and processes, supporting with technical implementations and change management, improving employee experience and customer satisfaction.